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Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Unleash your full potential with us. We stay by your side.

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI.





Infrashape & Bodyshape


Die Kombination von moderatem Training mit Infrarot- und Unterdrucktechnologie unterstützt gestresste Personen durch Förderung der Entspannung und Verbesserung der Regeneration. Diese synergetischen Effekte tragen zur Stress-Reduktion und zur Verbesserung des körperlichen und geistigen Wohlbefindens bei.

Dermio Care Plus


Dermio Care Plus lindert Stress, indem Negativionen das allgemeine Wohlbefinden fördern. Studien zeigen, dass Menschen nach der Exposition gegenüber negativen Ionen entspannter und weniger gestresst sind. Diese positivien Effekte sind auf die Beeinflussung neurochemischer Prozesse im Gehirn zurückzuführen. Darüber hinaus steigern Negativionen die mentale Leistungsfähigkeit.

Medical Cat


Die Medical CAT CO2-Therapie reduziert Stress, indem sie den Parasympathikus aktiviert, was zu tiefer Entspannung führt. Sie verbessert die Sauerstoffversorgung der Zellen und stabilisiert den Säure-Basen-Haushalt, was die körperlichen Auswirkungen von Stress lindert und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden fördert.



Die Intervall-Hypoxie-Hyperoxie-Therapie optimiert die Mitochondrienfunktion, verbessert die Energieproduktion und stärkt die Widerstandsfähigkeit des Körpers gegen Stress. Durch den Wechsel zwischen Sauerstoffmangel und -überschuss lernt der Körper, flexibler auf Belastungen zu reagieren, was ihn widerstandsfähiger gegenüber Stress macht.



Der Pneumatron 200 unterstützt die Stressbewältigung durch seine pulsierende Vakuummassage, welche die Durchblutung fördert, Muskelverspannungen löst und das Nervensystem beruhigt. Diese Therapie aktiviert den Parasympathikus, was das Stressniveau senkt und tiefe Entspannung sowie Regeneration fördert.


Folgende Technologien kommen beim Intensivprogramm STRESS zum Einsatz:


InBody 970


Diese umfassende Analyse deiner Körperzusammensetzung liefert einen Einblick in deinen Fitness- und Gesundheitszustand.



Durch die Herzratenvariabilitäts-Messung (HRV) erhältst du wertvolle Daten über dein Stressniveau und deine Erholungsfähigkeit.



Der Escan-Stoffwechseltest liefert detaillierte Informationen zur Stoffwechselsituation und bietet eine solide Grundlage für therapeutische Massnahmen.



Die Intervall-Hypoxie-Hyperoxie-Therapie bekämpft Müdigkeit, indem sie die Mitochondrien stimuliert. Durch den Wechsel zwischen Sauerstoffmangel und -überschuss regenerieren sich die Mitochondrien, was die ATP-Produktion und damit die Energie erhöht. Dies führt zu gesteigerter Vitalität und besserer Anpassungsfähigkeit an Stress.

Medical Cat


Die CO2-Therapie aktiviert den Parasympathikus, fördert die Säure-Basen-Regulation und versorgt Zellen mit Sauerstoff. Dies unterstützt die Regeneration, reduziert Müdigkeit und verbessert die Vitalität. Die gezielte Sauerstoffversorgung und pH-Regulation tragen nachhaltig zur Erholung bei.

InBody 970


Diese umfassende Analyse deiner Körperzusammensetzung liefert einen Einblick in deinen Fitness- und Gesundheitszustand.

HRV Analyse



Durch die Herzratenvariabilitäts-Messung (HRV) erhältst du wertvolle Daten über dein Stressniveau und deine Erholungsfähigkeit.



Die E-Scan-Stoffwechselanalyse dient der präzisen Identifizierung von Ungleichgewichten. Diese detaillierten Erkenntnisse ermöglichen es, gezielte Maßnahmen zu entwickeln und umzusetzen, die darauf abzielen, Stressbelastungen effektiv zu reduzieren.

E-Scan Regenerations-Check


Durch die spiroergometrische Belastungsanalyse lässt sich der optimale Trainingsbereich ermitteln, der die Regeneration fördert und das Stressniveau effektiv senkt. Dies ermöglicht eine gezielte Anpassung des Trainingsplans.



Dieser Test misst die Funktion deiner Mitochondrien. Er zeigt, wie effizient die Zellen Energie produzieren und liefert Anhaltspunkte in Bezug auf oxidativen Stress.


Folgende Analysen werden beim Intensivprogramm STRESS durchgeführt:

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI.

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Regulärer Preis CHF 3360.-

+41 44 244 60 90


Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Cellulite treatments for visibly firmer and more elastic skin.


Enhance muscle mass with precision strength training using state-of-the-art equipment.


Healthy Longevity - vitality and well-being in the second half of life.


Boost your vitality and performance with Vigory.


Eliminate stubborn fat deposits and reach your desired weight.


How to achieve your desired weight in a healthy manner without sacrificing muscle mass.


Cellulite treatments for visibly firmer and more elastic skin.


Enhanced quality of life for those with incontinence by stimulating and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.


Enhance muscle mass with precision strength training using state-of-the-art equipment.


Alleviate stress through hypoxia training, carbon dioxide therapy, infrared treatments, and negative ion exposure.



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