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Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Unleash your full potential with us. We stay by your side.

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI.





Infrashape Exclusive


Der Infrashape bietet ein einzigartiges, innovatives Training, das durch die Kombination von Unterdruck und Infrarotstrahlung besonders effizient und zeitsparend ist. In nur 30 Minuten können bis zu 1000 Kalorien verbrannt werden, während gleichzeitig die Fettverbrennung, Hautstraffung und Regeneration gefördert werden.

Avantgarde  Medical


Avantgarde kombiniert Unterdruck- und Normaldruckphasen, die die Durchblutung fördern und den Lymphfluss aktivieren. Die gezielte Druckwellenmassage verbessert den Stoffwechsel und unterstützt die Fettverbrennung. Durch die verbesserte Mikrozirkulation wird das Gewebe besser mit Nährstoffen versorgt, was die Haut strafft und den Abbau von Fettdepots unterstützt.



Ferninfrarotstrahlung ist eine langwellige Infrarotstrahlung, die nachweislich positive gesundheitliche Effekte hat, wie die Förderung der Durchblutung, die Anregung des Zellstoffwechsels und den Abbau von Fettzellen.



Die IHHT (Intervall-Hypoxie-Hyperoxie-Therapie) wechselt zwischen sauerstoffarmer und sauerstoffreicher Luft, optimiert die Mitochondrienfunktion, steigert den Energieverbrauch und verbessert die Insulinsensitivität. Dies kurbelt den Stoffwechsel an, fördert die Fettverbrennung und beschleunigt die Gewichtsabnahme.

Alma PrimeX


Mit Alma PrimeX werden hartnäckige Fettdepots an Bauch, Hüfte, Gesäss oder Oberschenkel gezielt abgebaut, welche durch Diät und Bewegung schwer zu beseitigen sind.

Medical Cat


Diese Kohlendioxid-Therapie erweitert die Gefässe, verbessert die Mikrozirkulation und reguliert den Säure-Basen-Haushalt. Diese Effekte steigern die Sauerstoffversorgung der Zellen und optimieren den Stoffwechsel. Durch die Aktivierung des parasympathischen Nervensystems wird Stress reduziert und die Entspannung gefördert.

Icoone Laser Med


Die Icoone-Anwendung ist eine wohltuende Therapie, bei der Fettdepots, Bindegewebe und Muskeln mit 21000 Mikrostimulationen pro Minute, Laser und LED behandelt werden. Dies modelliert die Körper-Silhouette und strafft und verjüngt die Haut.


Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 


InBody 970


Diese umfassende Analyse deiner Körperzusammensetzung liefert einen Einblick in deinen Fitness- und Gesundheitszustand.



Durch die Herzratenvariabilitäts-Messung (HRV) erhältst du wertvolle Daten über dein Stressniveau und deine Erholungsfähigkeit.



Der Escan-Stoffwechseltest liefert detaillierte Informationen zur Stoffwechselsituation und bietet eine solide Grundlage für therapeutische Massnahmen.



Die Intervall-Hypoxie-Hyperoxie-Therapie bekämpft Müdigkeit, indem sie die Mitochondrien stimuliert. Durch den Wechsel zwischen Sauerstoffmangel und -überschuss regenerieren sich die Mitochondrien, was die ATP-Produktion und damit die Energie erhöht. Dies führt zu gesteigerter Vitalität und besserer Anpassungsfähigkeit an Stress.

Medical Cat


Die CO2-Therapie aktiviert den Parasympathikus, fördert die Säure-Basen-Regulation und versorgt Zellen mit Sauerstoff. Dies unterstützt die Regeneration, reduziert Müdigkeit und verbessert die Vitalität. Die gezielte Sauerstoffversorgung und pH-Regulation tragen nachhaltig zur Erholung bei.


Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 




Der E-Scan-Test bietet eine präzise Analyse des Stoffwechsels, erkennt Abnehmblockaden und stellt unter anderem fest, ob der Körper Fett als Energiequelle nutzt oder primär auf Zucker zurückgreift.

E-Scan Spiroergometrische Belastungs-Analyse


Bei diesem Check wird unter Belastung geprüft, bei welcher Trainingsintensität Körperfett am effektivsten abgebaut werden kann.

InBody 970


Diese umfassende Analyse deiner Körperzusammensetzung liefert einen Einblick in deinen Fitness- und Gesundheitszustand.



Der Scaneca-Check bietet eine ganzheitliche Analyse, indem er eine millimetergenaue 3D-Darstellung des Körpers erstellt.

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI.

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Regulärer Preis CHF 6180.-

+41 44 244 60 90


Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Your «Vitality Journey» starts with an assessment and various check-ups, supported by our Vigory AI. Based on this, your individual and scientifically-based therapy and training plan will be created. Continuous, data-based progress monitoring and professional support ensure that you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. 

Cellulite treatments for visibly firmer and more elastic skin.


Enhance muscle mass with precision strength training using state-of-the-art equipment.


Healthy Longevity - vitality and well-being in the second half of life.


Boost your vitality and performance with Vigory.


Eliminate stubborn fat deposits and reach your desired weight.


How to achieve your desired weight in a healthy manner without sacrificing muscle mass.


Cellulite treatments for visibly firmer and more elastic skin.


Enhanced quality of life for those with incontinence by stimulating and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.


Enhance muscle mass with precision strength training using state-of-the-art equipment.


Alleviate stress through hypoxia training, carbon dioxide therapy, infrared treatments, and negative ion exposure.



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